Hi, I’m Andris

Currently a first year student at the University of Nottingham

Programming Language Experience:


Current Projects

This website (andris.dev)

Technologies Used
– Oracle VM Instance (Running Ubuntu)
– Website setup using Webinoly

What I’ve learnt from this
– Process of acquiring a domain and setting up the DNS to redirect the domain name to the server IP
– Setting up an oracle VM instance with Ubuntu
– Using linux terminal via SSH
– Installing Webinoly
– Opening ports on server to allow connection to website

Past Projects

Minecraft Server

Technologies Used
– Oracle VM Instance (Running Oracle Linux)

What I’ve learnt from this
– Setting up an oracle VM instance
– Using linux terminal via SSH to setup the server
– Using FileZilla to make managing files and backups easier
– Opening ports to allow people to connect
– Using screen to make the server run in the background when the connection to server is closed